Wondering how to get the crash logs for the apps being tested on iOS? The easiest way is to get them from the phone settings themselves. The crash logs are stored within the phone. Let’s see how to locate them:
Locating crash logs for iOS:
- Opening the Settings app
- Navigate to Privacy&Security > Analytics & Improvements > Analytics Data

3. On the “Data” screen all the crash logs would be listed. Pick the crash log you need. Usually, the crash log start with the name of the app and contain the time of the crash.

4. Tap on the crash and you will see the text of the crash logs.

Important Tip
The “Data” screen contains logs from all the apps so how to locate your app-specific logs out of so many logs?
All the logs are sorted alphabetically based on the name of the log file. For example, logs for MoneyControl with the name something like “moneycontrol.***-2023-11-09-123.ips” would appear down in the list as compared to the logs for the Facebook app with the name something like ” Facebook-2023-11-09-123345.ips”.
Also, all the logs for a single app are grouped in one place.