To integrate TestRail with any automation suite, we can use the TestRail APIs with the following basic flow:
- Create test cases in TestRail.
- Provide those unique Test IDs from TestRail to your TestNG tests.
- Run automation:
- Create a test suite in TestRail before test execution using the TestRail API.
- And then post the run results according to test automation results using the TestRail API.
- Create test cases in TestRail:

2. Creating a custom annotation and calling it as TestRails:

3. After that, we associate our test cases with actual Test Rails ID’s like:

These ids 1, 2, 3, and 4 are test case ID that we got from TestRail test cases, you can hover over your test case and see that ID in the URL (as shown below):

5. Create a Test Run in TestRail through code, as you can look at that we have not created any Test Run manually (see below):

Snapshot of TestRail before execution of automation suite:

6. Retrieve Test Case ID from Annotation:

7. Run the test cases and update Test Rail Status:

Let’s run the test cases and see if it is working:

As you can see that 2 test cases are passed and the other 2 are failed as expected based on the assertions we added, let’s see the status in TestRail:
Voila… Worked perfectly fine. (The test run is created; plus, test statuses are updated.)
Snapshot of TestRail after execution of automation suite:

And for the failed case, we can see the error message also as we added that comment in the code:

Points to remember:
There are 2 ways in which we can update our TestRail results after a test case execution:
- Create a TestNG listener that will listen for test results and call the TestRail API to update it with any results it finds
- Call the TestRail API inside the test method to update results (I have used this one for now)
There are 2 methods to update test results:
- add_result
- add_result_for_case
The difference between these two is that “add_result” takes the Test ID, “add_result_for_case” takes the Case ID and Run ID. We can use any method depending on the automation approach selected but “add_result_for_case” comes with an advantage over “add_result” i.e., while creating a test run as per the iteration, the test ID changes corresponding to the test run ID, but the test case IDs remains the same. This makes it easy to maintain the test case ID and run the automation suite repeatedly.
Do comment if you would like to have the entire code of this integration piece.
To Integrate Automated TestNG @Test with @DataProvider Results in TestRail, please check this blog:
Sample repo: